These Things Ought Not To Be So!

‘Out of the same mouth proceed blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not to be so’ (James 3:10).  This chapter in James goes on to say that a spring can’t yield both salt water and fresh water, that a fig tree can’t bear olives, and a that a grapevine can’t...

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Sin is Sin? — is all sin the same?

I have been way up on top of my soapbox today about this subject. Butch patiently listened to my babbling, gave me some spiritual guidance, and then decided it was high time he went on a 20 mile bike ride. Since there is no one left here to endure my...

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My Testimony

We’ve been working on some videos for the ministry facebook page. Our son, Jared, is a gifted videographer and has generously donated his time and talent to utilize many of the new media outlets that are now available. One of the videos is comprised of a very abbreviated version of...

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